
Discover The Power Of Stories

Ever wondered why storybooks are important for children?

BECAUSE they are language textbooks that enhance literacy, and open up a world of endless possibilities. They stimulate minds, spark creativity, nurture critical thinking, teach life skills and transform narratives.

For the last 12 years, we have established 245 model school libraries, and trained 1715 teachers. This has impacted 206,364 learners across 21 counties of Kenya. 78.6% of the schools are in marginalized regions, while 47.8 % of the learners are girls.

These libraries have consistently improved literacy skills for the learners such as phonics and phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary building and writing skills.

We are delighted to announce that we are the Kenyan winners of the #LibrarySelfieChallenge2022. An annual African literacy online competition, conducted by Library Aid Africa. This award complimented our resource mobilization efforts in establishing the 245th library at MCEDO Primary School, in Mathare.


Our lives are based on stories. Through stories, we connect to others, we travel mentally and get to know new places.

So why not give #GiftsThatLast to children in Children’s Homes this festive season? Books will give them the opportunity to connect, travel, and imagine through stories, all their lives.

#BeAStar and rally your colleagues, friends and family to donate towards establishing a library in select Children’s Homes this festive season. A book is KES. 499 ONLY!

Your Truly
Evelyne Mwandia