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2023 Impact Report

Section Title Reports,Uncategorized 2023 Impact Report ByStart A Library February 15, 2024 Reports,Uncategorized … Read More Reports,Reports in PDF 2022 Impact Report ByStart A Library January 26, 2023...

2022 Impact Report

In 2022, 43% of our schools reported improved literacy and life skills among their learners directly linked to our libraries...

Our recently signed MOU with Kenya Association of Manufacturers featured by “The Star” Newspaper.

As reported by the newspaper “Start A Library Trust has collaborated in resource mobilisation in a memorandum of understanding with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers to set up effective model...

Start a Library Trust, KAM partner to build libraries for public schools

We have partnered Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) to set up libraries for public schools in Kenya.  Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), KAM and Start a Library...

Discover The Power Of Stories

Ever wondered why storybooks are important for children? BECAUSE they are language textbooks that enhance literacy, and open up a world of endless possibilities. They stimulate minds, spark creativity, nurture...

Library 219 now set up

We don’t do it for the praise but it is always encouraging when pupils receive our libraries enthusiastically. Library 219 now at Hotcourses Primary School – Kitui County Thanks to...

Encouraging education in Kajiado County- Featured by K24

They say good work speaks for itself. Start A Library has been improving lives one library at a time with the help of our generous partners and we are only...

Learners from Mwangaza Primary school reading aloud during the #storymojareadaloud campaign. 

Learners from Mwangaza Primary school reading aloud during the #storymojareadaloud campaign. The school library was a kind donation by The Nobelity Project, thank you so much for supporting ‘A Library...