Capacity Development

Providing quality education is challenging without qualified teachers. At Start  A Library Trust (SAL), we aim to ensure teachers possess the necessary library management skills to effectively instill literacy in every child. Professionally trained teachers provide children with the transferable skills for them to thrive in life. 

We empower learners with:

  • Library management skills to assist the teacher-librarian in managing the library and conducting sustainable literacy programs.
  • Leadership skills as Junior Reading Champions (JRCS)/library prefects, promoting responsibility within the library space.

We empower teacher with/to:

  • Library management skills to effectively run libraries. 
  • Use storybooks to teach literacy competency and life skills.
  • Bring books to life through fun and engaging reading and writing programs.
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A library in every school

Our Pillars

Here is what Start a Library stands for and doies on a day-to-day basis.

Establishing Active Libraries

We help in making school libraries effective by donating textbooks.

Capacity building for sustainability

Teacher librarians, Junior reading champions/library prefects and career mentorship.


The advocacy pillar employs a multi-faceted approach to influence desired change through;
a) Modeling children as literacy change agents;
b) Teachers as champions for bringing books to life through the library reading programs;
c) Advocating for effective library policies while embracing storybooks as language textbooks.

Meet the Start A Library Team

Learn more about the people behind Start A Library